Friday, 25 May 2012

Isaac Cordal: Cement Bleak

Urban installation projecting shadows with public lights in Dalston, London. Faces modelled on grid of several colanders projecting their shadows on the pavement. Main idea is to try to make larger projections drawings with public light resources.


Golden Gate Bridge: 75th anniversary posters

To celebrate San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge 75th anniversary -on May 27th- Rich Silverstein, of Goodby Silverstein & Partners and agency photographer and senior art director, Claude Shade, shot these great photographs.

Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners
Director of Design/Associate Partner: Keith Anderson
Senior Art Director/Photographer: Claude Shade
Creative Director: Anders Gustafsson
Art Director: Azin Ashourvan
Junior Art Director: Hanna Wittmark
Junior Copywriter: Graham Lewis
Senior Interactive Producer: Margaret Brett-Kearns
Interactive Production Company: Famous Interactive

Caten: Kinetic sound installation

Truly amazing installation. Caten is a levitating sculpture, created for the Saint Sauveur chapel in Caen.
It is composed by 300 fine wires suspended from two ropes, connected themselves at each end to a slowly rotating arm, form an evanescent surface which interacts with the architecture.
The sound composition is inspired by the medieval solmisation prayers, especially the first verse of "Ut Queant Laxis", also known as the "hymn to St John the Baptist", used in the eleventh century to determine the names of the notes of the scale used in latin countries.
At each turn, the engines emit one of the first 4 notes of the scale (Ut, Re, Mi, Fa), creating a sequence of intervals, constantly reconfigured. Low frequencies resonate in the space and emphazise the transcendental character of a place once dedicated to faith.
The name is derived from the term catenary, which describes the plane curve formed by a rope hanging between two points.


Delhaize: Wines of the world

Very good set of wine labels for the Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize. These wines are within its own brand “365”. Lavernia & Cienfuegos played with the cork to symbolize the origin of each wine.

Design: Lavernia & Cienfuegos. Year: 2011.
Client: Delhaize.

Samsung: Seductive motion

A hot young woman gives mixed signals to a bunch of guys. Even the Old Spice's one. Funny spot from Samsung for the promotion of the motion controlled Smart TV.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Gulf News: The Headline News Cup Sleeve

Fresh news, printed on the sleeve of your morning cup of coffee. Smart and useful.
Gulf news, the UAE's leading English daily newspaper teamed up with Tim Hortons, a global coffee chain, to promote Gulf's twitter channel and increase traffic to the Gulf News website. When someone bought a cup of coffee, the headline news of the hour, were printed on the cup sleeve using a special printer that pulled out tweets from the Gulf News Twitter account. The short URL and QR code on the sleeve then directed them to the Gulf News website where they could read the full story.


Agency: Y&R Dubai
Chief Creative Officer: Shahir Zag
Creative Director/Copywriter: Shahir Zag
Creative Director/Art Director: Joseph Bihag
Copywriter: William Mathovani
Head of Production: Amin Soltani
Agency Producer: Leng Panganiban
Business Director: Zaakesh Mulla
Account Director: Kandarp Baxi
Technical Developer: Pixel Plus Media
Photographer: Mojtaba Komeili/Arturo D. Smith
Editor: Subash Mishra

Fight For Peace: Favela

Excellent work from Staff, Rio de Janeiro.

Advertising Agency: Staff, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Creative Director: Paulo Castro
Art Directors: Pedro Vargens, Erik Machado
Copywriter: Leo Valpassos
Illustrator: Pedro Vargens
Head of Art: Bernardo Machado
Published: March 2012
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