Sunday, 5 December 2010

The Mimi Foundation: Puzzle Portait

The Mimi Foundation is offering cancer sufferers free beauty treatment and psychological aftercare. lts objective: to help patients rebuild their image so as to better cope with their cancer condition. In order to heighten public awareness, the Foundation has created a number of interactive posters in which the faoe of a cancer patient has been cut into puzzle-like squares that passersby can move about to rebuild the face – exactly as the Foundation does.

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Paris, France
Executive Creative Director: Guillaume-Ulrich Chifflot
Head of Art: Claire Sougy
Copywriter: Hadi Hassan Helou
Art Director: Jérôme Gonfond
Photographer: Romina Shama

Friday, 3 December 2010

save a .pdf to .wwf and save a tree

This is a really good one. WWF Germany launched a program that saves pdf files to .wwf files. A version of pdf that you cannot print. So stop printing those pdf files that you don't really need to. Save them as .wwf and save a tree.

Download software:

La Senza - The Cup Size Choir

La Senza took seven girls with bra sizes from A to G and made the Cup Size Choir. They are lying on a bed and make a la la la sound. You can play your own tune at
Happy Christmas. 

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Digital Death Campaign

I think that this is an excellent example of how to use the power of social media for a good cause.

Today is the 23rd World AIDS Day. In order to raise money for the cause, the organization Keep A Child Alive is running a campaign called 'Digital Death".

Famous celebrities like Katie Holmes, Usher, Jay Sean, Kim Kardashian, Ryan Seacrest, Alicia Keys, Jaden and Willow Smith, Serena Williams, Swizz Beatz and more have stopped posting on their Twitter and Facebook profiles until 1 million dollars is donated to


Client: Keep A Child Alive

Title: Digital Death Campaign (Buy Life)
Creative Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day New York

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Volkswagen Trucks: Right size for your needs

Μονοσήμαντη, απλή, εξαιρετική σειρά καταχωρήσεων.

Advertising Agency: Almap BBDO, São Paulo, Brazil
Executive Creative Director: Marcello Serpa
Creative Director: Luiz Sanches
Copywriter: Marco Giannelli (Pernil)
Art Directors: André Gola, Luiz Sanches, Julio Andery
Account Directors: Fernão Cosi, Filipe Bartholomeu, Camila Figueiredo
MAN Latin America marketing team: Ian Fadel, Ricardo Barion, Ana Maria Oliveira
Photographer: Mario Daloia

Kleenex Balsam Witch and Fairy

Μια σκοτεινή και κακιά μάγισσα με κατακόκκινη μύτη περιπλανιέται στο δάσος με σκοπό να μεταμορφώσει κάθε τι ωραίο, σε κάτι τρομακτικό, κάτι που να αντανακλά την παγερή της ψυχή και το φθόνο που την κατακλύζει. Ώσπου βρίσκει τα Kleenex και μεταμορφώνεται για να ολοκληρωθεί το ωραίο παραμυθάκι.

LG "Carousel"

Τραγικά γλυκανάλατο σποτάκι από την LG. Όμως με τόση μαυρίλα που μας περικλείει καθημερινά είναι ότι πρέπει. Το τραγούδι λέγεται "Eyes" και είναι του Rogue Wave.

LG "Carousel" from DJ Bunny Ears on Vimeo.
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