Skittles madness goes interactive. Here is five online videos that invite you to touch a dot on the screen with your finger or your thumb. Come on don't be afraid, don't you want to see what happens?
Skittles Touch: War
Skittles Touch: Hitchhiker
Skittles Touch: Girl
Advertising Agency: BBDO, Toronto, Canada
Copywriter: Chris Joakim
Art Director: Mike Donaghey
Creative Directors: Carlos Moreno, Peter Ignazi.
Account Management: Chitty Krishnappa, Bhreagh Rathbun
Producer: Ann Caverly
Marketing Management: Dan Alvo, Laura Amantea, Thomas Tse
Directors: Woods & Low
Production house: FamilyStyle
Editing: Poster Boy
Visual FX: AXYZ
Skittles Touch: Cage Cop
Skittles Touch: Cat
Skittles Touch: War
Skittles Touch: Hitchhiker
Skittles Touch: Girl
Advertising Agency: BBDO, Toronto, Canada
Copywriter: Chris Joakim
Art Director: Mike Donaghey
Creative Directors: Carlos Moreno, Peter Ignazi.
Account Management: Chitty Krishnappa, Bhreagh Rathbun
Producer: Ann Caverly
Marketing Management: Dan Alvo, Laura Amantea, Thomas Tse
Directors: Woods & Low
Production house: FamilyStyle
Editing: Poster Boy
Visual FX: AXYZ